The Accepted History of the World has humans first inhabiting New Zealand a maximum of 1200 years ago with most experts believing the most likely first arrivals to be much later than that.If this is true,why then is there the Remnants of a Dam Structure in the Waipoua Forest.The trees growing along the face of the Dam are at least 1000yrs old with canopies shading over a quarter of an acre each,and trunks over3m in diameter,also why is there a perfect circle visible in this satellite image,a circle approximately 100 metres in diameter? with another circle inside of it?These structures too are overgrown with mature Kauri and have only been reported here for the first time after detailed study of a Satellite Image purchased to identify the rectangular shape shown in the previous images.After tramping to the area in January 2006 I was disappointed to find the rectangular shape identified in a free download sat image was nothing more than pine trees planted over 50 years ago.This in itself was perplexing as why would the NZ Forest Service plant pines in a Kauri Forest in such a manner.After purchasing a 1m resolution image of the area it became obvious that the pines had been planted to distract the public that may fly over the area from the Ruins that have been found,surveyed,studied by archaeologists and suppressed.It is easy to hypothesize why such a discovery would be easier and safer to leave buried than to make public.By itself it raises so many questions and some of the possible answers could prove to be quite upsetting.Firstly all of the History of human migration would need to be rewritten.Remember that this area is the highest,coldest part of Northland.It also has the highest rainfall in the North Island.Humans would not be drawn to this place early on in the colonisation of New Zealand,not in the recent European wave of the 1800's or in any early migration.No the population would build around the coast,rivers and easily accesable and highly fertile and arable lands first.It makes no sense at all for this area to be developed even today with NZ's current population.S o for there to be evidence of what I believe are three massive dams that have long been destroyed there must have been a massive population in northland.I dont believe that these people were forest dwellers as other Authors have claimed,rather they lived in a city where the Waipoua Forest now stands.At some point , most likely around 1200yrs ago ,(given the carbon dating figure of swamp Kauri recoverd buried some 3 to 5m in mud and silt through out the Kaipara area,and also given the'Official' dating of Maori sites)a Cataclysmic event has wiped out virtually all humans and all mammal life in New Zealand.
Interestingly there are corresponding sudden abandonments of cities and collapses of civilisations throughout South America,South East Asia,Mexico,USA ,in fact all of the Pacific.Historians and Archaeologists have wrongly speculated that Invading peoples have wiped out these civilisations.
A look at google earth I believe will show what appears to be a large Impact site, a SPLATTER on the sea bed directly East of Norfolk Island.It is wider than New Zealand and if it in fact IS an impact crater it would have caused a Tsunami that would have washed nearly all traces of Civilisation from New Zealand and would have destroyed all civilisations around the world.A truly global flood.Million of cubic km of water would have been thrown into the upper atmosphere giving torrential downpours worldwide for at leat 40 days and 40 nights.Im no Christian but perhaps Noahs Flood is a fact,and far more recent than most scholars would have us believe.China with its Himalayan highlands understandably was able to retain much of the earlier civilisations technology and knowledge,while Europe was plunged into the Dark Ages,having to rediscover all that was lost.
this is awesome,u should be paidfor the research u do,mooorrree info please?
Good read thank you :)
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